Monday, March 11, 2013

Cold War Topics

Berlin Blockade; This was the blockage of railway, road, and canal access in parts of Berlin under allied control.
Korean War; The Korean war was the U.S. involvement in trying to stop the spread of communism in south east asia.
Sputnik; The first artificial earth satelite to be launched into space. The launch of Sputnik sparked the Space Race, between The Soviet Union and The U.S.
Bay of Pigs; Bay of Pigs was an attempt to stop The Soviet Union from bringing nuclear missiles into Cuba. We tried to prevent this by sending "spies" into Cuba. The spies were caught and then it started a bit of a "scuffle".
Cuban Missile Crisis; The Cuban Missile Crisis was the U.S. blockading the island of Cuba. We didn't allow any Russian ships to enter the island in fear that they were bringing nuclear missiles to Cuba.
Berlin Wall; This was a wall that separated East and West Germany. It was a different form of symbolism for both sides of people on the wall.
Vietnam War; The Vietnam War was the same situation as the Korean War, except the U.S. used a different "puppet" (Vietnam).
Iranian Hostage Crisis; 52 Americans were held hostage by Iranians for 444 days.
Soviet Invansion of Afghanistan; The U.S.S.R. was invading Afghanistan, so we armed their troops and helped them fight back. They ended up winning, but then turned on us afterwords.
Star Wars; The building of a space defence system. Satelites were equiped with lazers to shoot down missiles, it never worked. The U.S. building this defence system put the Soviet Union into bankruptcey.
Fall of Berlin Wall; The German soldiers who were guarding the Berlin wall lost interest in preventing people from crossing over into East/West Germany. They lost interest, and this allowed people to detiorate the wall, resulting in it's collapse.
Soviet Union Dissolves; The Soviet rulers lost their image and lost power.

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