Monday, January 21, 2013

Good Leadership

Leadership is a skill that only few have the ability to perfect. It takes certain traits in order to be labeled as a good leader. A personality trait that someone would need to be a good leader is a positive attitude. Being in a good mood around their followers will keep them working, and keeps them happy too. Leaders' moods reflect onto those who follow them. Leaders also need to have a good style. If the C.E.O. of a company were to walk into a meeting in ripped jeans and a v-neck, no one would take him/her seriously throughout the meeting. Looking professional helps keep the title of a leader. Another  trait that makes someone a leader is having the ability to make sure that they have the power. Letting other people tell a leader what to do and having other people criticize their leadership skills makes them look less powerful. These are just three examples of traits that people would need in order to be a leader.

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